Duke Nukem Forever mit coolen Extras! -Hier der Auszug:Duke Nukem Forever
Posted by Chrissyx – 24.03.2003 – 00:00 Uhr – Kategorie: Duke Nukem Forever
We're big on giving stuff away in the box. We had to pretty much fight Take 2, to include a mouse
pad in Max Payne, and even then I think they stopped after a certain amount. We will really try to do
something cool for DNF and we like the idea that stuff we give away may be on people's desks in 3-
4 years. Too bad publishers balk at the "cost". You can't put a price on some things. It still amazes
me that PC games shipw ithout full color manuals, jewle cases instead of cheap sleeves, and thigns
like that. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

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