Postal 4 going gold!Spiele
Posted by Chrissyx – 28.03.2022 – 21:54 Uhr – Kategorie: Spiele
Heute verkündet RWS den finalen Release von Postal 4: No Regerts für den 20. April 2022! Der Clou: Es lassen sich nicht nur Jon St. John, sondern auch Corey Cruise aus Postal 3 und sogar Rick Hunter aus Postal 2 als Stimme für den Postal Dude auswählen! :love: Damit erfüllt RWS einen Herzenswunsch der Fans, so dass der Goldversion nichts mehr im Wege steht:

Rage across the city of Edensin, where each calendar day from Monday through Friday builds atop the last with new missions, locations, and game systems. Fling humans fleeing America over the Mexican border with a human-sized slingshot. Spread the holy word of the bidet to an unclean populace. Visit Kunny Island, where former porn star-turned-DJ Carter Cruise is performing. Enter a virtual world to bring a D-tier developer’s game to completion. Fend off flesh-eating hillbillies, pro-toilet paper cultists, greedy literal gold-diggers, and the police.

The P Dude’s odyssey across a fictionalized Arizona town is a timeless tale empowering players to take care of business in whatever way they damn well please. Pacifism? Violent chaos? Drug-induced hallucinatory hijinks? Dealer’s choice!

Across several meaty updates in Early Access, POSTAL 4: No Regerts has introduced a load of wacky mechanics, weapons, quests, traversal tools, quality-of-life features, and more, making this 1.0 release the definitive modern POSTAL experience. POSTAL 4: No Regerts stands as an ode and testament to what has made the series beloved, scorned, hated, and appreciated for 25 years. Where else can you steer sniper bullets while high on catnip? Or use severed limbs as melee weapons? Or ride the Womb Coaster in a vagina-themed amusement park?

Damit endet nach 2,5 Jahren die Early-Access-Phase. Noch ist die "Cumming Early Janky Edition" als physikalische Edition im Shop bestellbar, dürfte aber danach durch die 1.0 abgelöst werden.
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