New York 2020 - Die Ankunft des vierten und letzten Apokalyptischen Reiters steht kurz bevor. Das Ende der Menschheit ist nahe! Aufgabe der attraktiven Angie Prophet ist es, den vierten Reiter aufzufinden und ihm schließlich den Garaus zu machen.
- Psychotoxic was released on 09/03/2004!
- Since CDV, the former publisher, had cancelled the game it was uncertain if it would still be released. By now NuclearVision is in fact completing the game and Vidis is going to publish it!
- The most cool feature is the slow motion mode: Angie has the ability to slow down time, so that one can run next to a bullet. This effect accounts for rad situations, e.g. observing a splitting glass pane!
- This is Angie:
Official videos:
Official images:
Download the screenshots 1 to 20!