C&C1 – Der Tiberiumkonflikt | |
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Year: | 1995 |
Developer: | Westwood Studios |
Publisher: | Virgin Interactive |
Original title: | C&C1 – Tiberian Dawn |
Abbreviation: | TD |
Executive Producer: | Brett W. Sperry |
Composer: | Frank Klepacki |
Rating PCG: | 90% (08/1995) |
Newest version: | 1.20p, XP Patch |
Add-on: | Der Ausnahmezustand |
Remaster: | Remastered Collection |
1995 – It started by a special meteorite shower: It carried the mineral Tiberium; named after the impact site at the river Tiber. Soon after the economic benefit by the Tiberium was recognized. It was a fulfilling prophecy for the Brotherhood of Nod, while the GDI saw a threat for mankind. Nod clamined all Tiberium patches for their own, notwithstanding the effect on humans living in those regions. So it was bound to happen: The First Tiberium War (abbr. TW) happened in 1999. The GDI could win the war in 2002 by deploying advanced tactics and strategy eventually. The final battle lasted for three days and took place in Sarajevo (within the area of the Temple of Nod). That was destroyed and Kane with it, but his body was never found.
- For the 12th anniversary of C&C the first title was released for free download!
- On September 26, 1995 Westwood released this milestone of real-time strategy, a year later the tricky mission disc "The Covert Operations".
- One can say that C&C is the perfection of Dune 2.
- The First Tiberium War lasted for three years.
- There are two different endings: The second one can be triggered by destroying the Temple of Nod with the Ion Cannon. This is also the preferred canonical ending according to Joe Kucan on 10/27/2018:
The Ion Cannon ending is the one we all preferred, so, yeah, I think that one was considered canon by the team.
- The groovy Nod Credits Theme is a song by band "I AM", which featured Frank Klepacki on the drums. The original title was "(?) Times", even in the outro of TD the track was referenced as such. For a long time Frank did not reveal the meaning of that question mark: It stands for "Destructible". Have a listen on his website at the bottom in the jukebox and for all wanting to belt out, here are the lyrics: (Expand)
Frank Klepacki explained in 2005 how "Destructible Times" made it into the game:
Since July 2009 also to be reread in his Facebook notes.While Kane's main theme was always "No Mercy" from the start, I was in a metal band back then that was just releasing a cd. They were called "I AM." (see the I AM link on this site for more details) Westwood really wanted to use our song "Times" for the Nod ending because it reflected the war aspect and bad-ass vibe of their side. It worked really well.
- The GDI (Global Defense Initiative) was founded on October 12, 1995 while the Brotherhood of Nod already exists since 1800 before Christ.
- The GDI was already active before 1990 as Special Operations Group Echo, Black Ops 9.
- A lot of myths and legends are surrounding this object in the third GDI mission:
The most popular theory is about it being a Scrin UFO, since the manual mentions a space ship in its credits after all:SPECIAL THANKS TO: Sean Brennan for the spaceship
. So did I for a long time, but it's not like that. Adam Isgreen finally clarified on 07/28/2007:
And furthermore about the wreckage in the N64 version and the remark in the manual:The artist that created that particular piece and I had a talk about this very issue once, so I'm simply relaying what he told me about it.
It's the canopy of a wrecked helicopter.
He was very amused by all the theories as to just exactly what it really was, but it isn't a UFO or a Scrin ship. It's a helicopter canopy. It was there since C&C (DOS).
Later on 08/01/2007 the responsible artitst, Joseph B. Hewitt IV, answered some questions by himself:The spaceship ref in the credits is to something that happened outside of work. No idea why they changed it in C&C 64.
TBH, it looks like the C&C 64 version is more like the jet that Steve Austin crashed in the 6 Million Dollar Man intro.1. If it's not an UFO, what UFO does the manual credit Sean Brennan from?
2. In the 64 C&C, why was the wreckage modified to look more like a space ship?
3. It looks too round for a whole helicopter, and if it's only a cockpit, why are there wings on the sides, and one on the top? Shouldn't the wings be in the center of the body and not in the cockpit? O_o1. I've no idea either. Made you look though!
2. Because the artist that did the conversion just went off what the terrain art looked like. I'm sure he didn't have any idea either. I think that all might have been outsourced but I could be wrong. I remember touching up some of the interface art, but don't remember anything about who did the terrain, buildings and units.
3. Its a crappy piece of art and doesn't even fit in with the art style. It was created before I even came on and took over (kinda on accident) the in-game art. When I re-did most of the Temperate set to be used in Red Alert; I completely changed it to a very obvious crashed air plane.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get somebody to give my car a jump. I left the lights on... again...
Former Sr. Artist @ Westwood Studios
There exists nevertheless a true UFO during the times of TD, it shows up during the second to last mission of Renegade. And also the Scrin as aliens have been planned from the get-go, Joseph B. Hewitt IV revealed during an AMA on 07/26/2014:Tiberian Dawn was the title of the first one but that didn't get out till long after it was on the market. It isn't something that was ever mentioned with the game itself. I can't actually say at what point it was planned to be a trilogy though I know the story of the aliens being behind the tiberium being used to terraform the planet was there from the beginning.
- The subtitle "Tiberian Dawn" was added later, at launch TD was simply named "Command & Conquer".
- Seth was portrayed by Eric Gooch out of sheer necessity, he told on 10/13/2018:
EA had asked him for permission of a later use of Seth in Rivals:I worked a lot with Joe Kucan, and he was in my office one day describing a sequence for a cinematic. We would go over the shots before we would film against the green-screen in the studio. So he's telling me about a shot, and says "...then we see Seth, and he... oh crap." "What?" I ask. Joe says: "We forgot to cast Seth." Then he looks at me. "You could be Seth." Me: "What?" Joe: "Do you want to be Seth?" Me: "Sure!" So that was settled.
EA did contact me to "secure my digital likeness" so it's all above-board too. I'm happy to see Seth live on.
- The Tiberium was inspired by the movie "The Monolith Monsters" from the year 1957. Joseph Bostic about it during an interview from 05/31/2002:
"The idea for Tiberium," comments Bostic, "was inspired by the science fiction B-movie Monolith Monsters - a must-see movie, in my opinion."
- Even in TD some first Tiberium creatures can be found. The Visceroid had already some rare appearances back then and only during a CGI sequence a Veinhole monster can be spotted. In TS both can be encountered regularly.
–See science for more on Tiberium and its effects! - Kane is in fact the Cain from the Bible (Cain and Abel). During the GDI outro as well as underneath the Temple of Nod in Renegade (Abel's tomb) are stone tablets with Hebrew characters and depiction of Cain killing his brother Abel. Adam Isgreen on 01/05/2007:
According to the Bible Cain or rather Kane was thereupon banned to the Land of Nod, east of Eden. However the land Nod is no actual territory, but a synonym for wandering around and restlessness respectively; not being at a settled place. The same relates to the Brotherhood of Nod being a "stateless state".Remember that tablet that Kane had in his palace in Renegade? In a vid at the end of C&C TD during the credits?
It depicts something important, and gives you a clue as to his origins.
Adam Isgreen elaborated on 06/18/2007 who or what Kane is:
as well as:Kane wasn't an alien in the WW fiction.
Brett W. Sperry went into the question of Kane's origins at great length on 04/27/2010:Kane is human, his fate tied to Earth's fate. Kane sees the Scrin as an escape from his prison.
Since my knowledge of the fiction of C&C ends before TW, anything they've changed or added is where they want to take it, and I've got no idea where that may be.Yes the Kane character is immortal. I intentionally spelled his name differently from "Cain" to add a little mystery.
The Brotherhood of Nod is a direct reference to the Land of Nod. Nod is where Cain went after he killed his brother Abel.
Kane can be maimed, injured, and even briefly "killed" but he is cursed by God and no matter how badly hurt, he will slowly but surely regenerate.
In my mind he spent long periods of history uninterested in human affairs, but occasionally he sees glimpses of a future in which he might escape his curse or settling for less, rule Humankind.
Kane was largely uninterested in human affairs most recently until the emergence of Tiberium. Before he even saw Tiberium himself or knew what it was, he started to have visions of the future again--strange and weird visions of a future Earth changed, a biosphere he couldn't recognize, and an outside agent from offworld. A future in which he was both freed from his curse and ruled Earth. And with that he steps forward and slowly emerges from the shadows with his new socio-political-religious movement and starts to influence things. He never sees future clearly and it's often very confusing and muddy visions that he catches. Kane completely believes he will be free from his curse and while he enjoys his power and ability to control the affairs of man, he really wants to die one day. He also believes he sees the only way for mankind to survive, as a species, into a very difficult future. He really believes his way is the only way forward. He's not your typical "bad guy"--but he is definitely pathological. He does everything that he does with righteous purpose and feels the ends justify the means. Keep in mind that while Kane has no empathy for others, he is fond of human race in general, and curious to see what becomes of it. He is especially intrigued by advanced sciences, medicine, electronics, and artificial intelligence. - Joseph Kucan indicated during an AMA on 07/31/2014, that Sheppard could had taken on the role of Abel:
That having been said, Eydie and I were fiddling with the notion of Shephard as "Abel", creating this ridiculous notion of an eternal, unending battle between these two original people. But that was mostly all in our heads; I don't think we actually ever told anyone.
- The outro of the MS-DOS version already featured a live feed, having the GDI testing the prototype of the X-O Powersuit:
These have been literally the first steps of GDI's mechanized walker technology, resulting in mechs like Titan, Wolverine and Mammoth Mk. II as default units on the battlefield about 30 years later. - Having TD dated 30 years prior to TS and by that taking place around the year 2000 was explained by Rade Stojsavljević on 04/04/2000 in his postmortem retrospective for TS:
The one difficulty encountered was making sure the story could stand up on its own and be accessible to new players without subjecting players familiar with previous games to mind-numbing exposition. To solve this problem, we set the story 30 years after the end of the original, which provided an opportunity to create an outstanding introduction that showed players what had been going on in the world.
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