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Lara Croft's first appearance in Tomb Raider from 1996 was the initial spark of nude patching and Nude Raider advanced to cult! :D
Even more, at least the first Nude Raider patches ain't no simple nude skins for Lara, but proper mods even altering the title and loading screens accordingly.
On these pages you can find therefore many things dealing with Nude Raider, starting with the 28-years-old primal patch by for Tomb Raider I up to the newest patch for the most recent entry in the series. But also other areas like the cine films starring Angelina Jolie are covered – enjoy!

Nude Raider » PatchesNude patches for Tomb Raider and Lara Croft titles and even nude Lara skins for Drakan and Kingpin
Nude Raider » VideosVarious videos and clips
Nude Raider » PicsCollected pics, photos and CGIs
Nude Raider » ArtsCollected comics, artworks, drawings and illustrations
Lara Croft: Nude Raider » The MoviesLara Croft: Nude Raider – movies
Nude Raider » LinksLinks to other Nude Raider websites
Nude Raider » Danny SpecialExclusive Nude Raider special by Danny


Nell McAndrew a.k.a. Lara Croft nude

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