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Lutschbuddel, bin ich auf 'ner HipHop Party oder was?!?


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Edo-Underground am 06.01.2024 um 10:45:18 Uhr:
:) :D

Nick am 28.08.2023 um 13:44:02 Uhr:

rwbj am 15.10.2021 um 20:56:14 Uhr:

Der Oberst am 26.10.2020 um 22:58:44 Uhr:
Über was für seiten man so stolpert mitten in der nacht. geile Zeitkapsel hast du hier und auch noch immer fleißig am posten der mann. weiter so

<--- am 14.06.2019 um 21:05:44 Uhr:

3D Realms: Von Gerüchten und FaktenDuke Nukem Forever
Posted by Chrissyx – 12.05.2009 – 02:58 Uhr – Kategorie: Duke Nukem Forever
Während Trauer, Schrecken, Entsetzen und manchmal auch Schadensfreude die DNF Community weiterhin beherrscht, warten alle gespannt auf ein offizielles Statement von 3D Realms Mitgründer George Broussard. Dieses lässt weiterhin auf sich warten ("When it's done" oder wie war das? :ugly:), doch so gibt es zwischen all den Spekulationen und Gerüchten auch ein paar Fakten, was wirklich vorgefallen ist.

3DR hat DNF schon immer selbst finanziert, während die Rechte zur Veröffentlichung von einem Publisher zum nächsten gewandert sind. Dies war weitesgehend möglich durch Max Payne, Prey und kleinere Duke Nukem Spin-offs (Z.B. Manhatten Project oder kommende Duke Nukem Trilogy). Warum auch immer, ging 3DR nun das Geld aus, so dass sich George auf die Suche nach neuen Einnahmequellen machen musste. Fakt ist, Joe Siegler hat 5 bis 6 Millionen Doller erwähnt, die George jetzt bräuchte.
Nun wird's schwammiger, aber man ist sich weitesgehend einig, dass er bei Take 2 angeklopft und DNF präsentiert hatte. Der Publisher zog sich zur Beratung zurück und wenige Tage später machte Take 2 zur Überraschung aller ein Gegenangebot. Anstatt $5 Millionen würde man $30 Millionen geben, aber dafür die Rechte an der gesamten Marke "Duke Nukem" erwerben. Klar, dass George dies nicht zu lassen wollte und wohl ablehnte. Angeblich soll er es dann bei diversen anderen versucht haben oder noch versuchen, inkl. Valve, Epic, id Software und sogar EA. Bis jetzt jedenfalls kein Anzeichen von Erfolg und es kam, wie es kommen musste. :(
Auch zum Warum 3DR das Geld ausging, kursiert etwas: Scott Miller, der andere Mitbegründer, hatte die lange Entwicklungszeit irgendwann so satt, dass er de facto 3DR verlassen und Radar Group sowie Apogee Software, LLC gegründet hat. Scott war angeblich der smartere Geschäftsmann, so dass George bald ohne Geld da stand. :ka:

Eine ganz andere Theorie, besagt, dass Microsoft seine Finger im Spiel hat: Demnach zufolge soll 3D Realms von Microsoft aufgekauft worden sein, damit DNF exklusiv als X-Box 360 Titel erscheint - vertrieben durch Take 2. Genau das soll nächsten Monat auf der E³ vorgestellt werden. Beängstigend dabei ist, dass Microsoft zunächst Duke Nukem 3D als weiteres Xbox Live Spiel im Angebot hat und es für die E³-Enthüllung diverse Indizien gibt. Eine nicht näher bekannte, aber vertrauenswürdige, Quelle berichtet, dass sich

Ein unbekanntes Unternehmen hat sich sich vor 4 Tagen noch für die E³ angemeldet. (11.05.2009)


und mittlerweile hat auch ein e3 mitarbeiter bestätigt, dass dort ein unternehmen ohne namensangabe etwas vorstellen will und sich erst vor 4 tagen dort angemeldet und einen platz belegt hat und man bisher keine informationen dazu hat trotz mehrfacher anfrage.

Joe Siegler hat mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ausgeschlossen, dass einer von 3D Realms bei der E³ auftauchen würde. Weitere Hinweise, dass Microsoft für eine Überraschung auf der E³ sorgen will, gibt der deutsche Xbox Product Manager per Twitter:

Seit heute ärgere ich mich richtig, daß ich nicht auf der E3 bin. Mehr kann ich leider erst am 2. Juni sagen.

Hmm. Gefangen in einem Meetingraum. Statt langweiligen Powerpoints wuerde ich lieber Duke Nukem News lesen'

und nochmal

OK, gerade was gesehen, was sehr vielen Xbox-Besitzern gefallen wird und weswegen man eine kaufen koennte...

Klar, es muss sich nicht um DNF oder 3DR handeln und die Theorie tauchte nur zeitgleich mit solchen eingestreuten Hinweisen auf. Nur sollte sich das bewahrheiten, war die Zerstörung von Westwood durch EA dagegen noch harmlos. -.-

Über allem dem hält sich außerdem hartnäckig das Gerücht, es sei alles nur virales Marketing. Fakt ist, George hat in den letzten Tagen Empfehlungen geschrieben für seine ehemaligen Mitarbeiter bei der Jobbörse Das ist eher untypisch, genau wie die ganzen ehemaligen Mitabeiter neue Jobs suchen und sich um ihre Familien sorgen. :(

Absoluter Schwachsinn hingegen ist die Charlie Wiederhold Story. Diesen Witz gibt's bereits seit 2003 und ist nicht wahr. :o

Alle Empfehlungen von George könnt ihr unter Weiterlesen einsehen.
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George Recommends

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Brad Jacobs
Level Designer at 3dRealms

Brad was one of the last people we brought on board and I remember thinking "Damn, I wish we'd had him earlier." He's easy to work with and understands design and why thing are cool, or not. He gets game design and is easy to collaborate with and produces high quality work with attention to detail He's going to be a star designer at some new company. May 10, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Brad at 3dRealms.

5 people have recommended Brad »
Jay Brushwood
Animator/Artist/Video Production at 3D Realms Entertainment

Jay is awesome. He's one of those guys that can do lots of things and quickly becomes a go-to guy. He was so fast turning around things and so technical that you just threw whatever needed doing his way and he'd find a way to get it done. I'd say he's extremely technical, to the degree that he can teach other artists how to do things and reduce errors and how to get solid process in place. He also has one of the best attitudes and personalities around. If I were starting a new team tomorrow he'd be on the short list to call up. May 10, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Jay at 3D Realms Entertainment.

4 people have recommended Jay »
Dave Ratti
AI Programmer at 3D Realms

Dave is one of the best programmer's I've ever worked with. No nonsense work ethic, totally professional, and a die hard gamer who understands game design on top of it all. He works extremely well with content makers getting assets into the game and he can be depended upon to design large game systems and just have it all work. I'd work with him again tomorrow. May 10, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) managed Dave at 3D Realms.

9 people have recommended Dave »
Randy Forsyth
artist at 3D realms

Randy is one of the best character artists I've ever seen. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Quality is world class and work ethics are world class. Hire him and treat him right and you will be a stronger company for it. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Randy at 3D realms.

3 people have recommended Randy »
Mark Skelton
Senior Modeler at 3D Realms

Mark is an exceptional artist. His high poly character work is second to none. He has years of experience and is able to mentor junior artists and work very well as part of a team. Would work with him again, any time. He's also a great poker buddy :) May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Mark at 3D Realms.

7 people have recommended Mark »
Brian Lawson
Tech Programmer at 3D Realms

I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to work with Brian. He's a great programmer who can do anything from the small and mundane to the most complex. I saw Brian replace a bloated, horrible animation system with a streamlined, optimized version that was 1/10th the lines of code. He gets results and produces solid, dependable, shippable work. Add in a great attitude and personality and you have a guy you really need to have on your team. I'd work with Brian again without hesitation. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Brian at 3D Realms.

6 people have recommended Brian »
Quinn DelHoyo
Level Designer at 3D Realms

Quinn is a great level designer who knows what's fun and "gets it". He's easy going and friendly to collaborate with, produces great work and is going to do great things. I recommend him highly to anyone looking for quality people. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Quinn at 3D Realms.

11 people have recommended Quinn »
Ben Eoff
Character Artist at 3D Realms

We hired Ben as his first game company job. His modeling talent was amazing when we hired him and over 2 years I watched him grow every day and become a cornerstone of the art department. He became a jack of all trades doing detailed character models, props, effects or whatever you needed. He will be an amazing artist in this industry and be in high demand. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Ben at 3D Realms.

6 people have recommended Ben »
Pat Jones
Artist at 3D Realms

Pat is a great artist. He's one of those guys that gets production and what's important about making a game and what sacrifices need to be made. His quality is top notch and his attitude is better. You'll not meet a nicer person to work with. I'd work with Pat again, tomorrow. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) worked with Pat at 3D Realms.

7 people have recommended Pat »
Richard Huenink
Senior Game Designer at 3D Realms

Rick is immensely talented as a designer. He's creative and inventive. He's organized and knows how to plan missions and levels. He understands level design process and helped bring some of that to our company. He can manage people. He's professional and is one of the nicest human beings I've ever worked with. Just tell him what you need done and point him in the right direction and let him go. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) managed Richard at 3D Realms.

16 people have recommended Richard »
Eric von Rothkirch
Audio Specialist at 3D Realms

Eric would be a great addition to any audio team. He has a great work attitude and personality. He's talented and can create sounds, manage sound/music contractors and is technical enough to work with your tools and level editors to integrate sounds directly into the game. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) managed Eric at 3D Realms.

16 people have recommended Eric »
John Pollard
Lead Programmer at 3D Realms

Wow. I worked with John for 8 years. He's the most talented programmer I've ever worked with and is one of those rare guys that can just do anything and everything. He's going to make his mark on the engine programming world and will go very far. There's not a company on Earth that wouldn't be better off having John on their programming team. I've worked with a handful of individuals that you can build a company around and John is one of them. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) managed John at 3D Realms.

8 people have recommended John »
Scott Maclean
Level Designer at 3d Realms

Scott's a consummate pro. He works fast, he takes direction well, and he gets results. He's a go to guy that you can depend on to just get-shit-done. Easy to work with, professional, creative and talented. I would work with him again and hopefully will get a chance to do so again. May 7, 2009

George Broussard (Co-Owner / Founder at 3D Realms) managed Scott at 3d Realms.

18 people have recommended Scott »
Andrew Kerschner
CG Artist at 3D Realms

Andrew has a phenomenal eye for detail and architecture and is one of the fastest modelers I've ever seen. I watched him grow into a world class environment artist and we learned to heavily depend upon him. He quickly became indispensable to our level design work and layouts. I can't imagine how strong he's going to get. You'd be foolish to not hire him or want to work with him. May 7, 2009

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